The Business Networking Group

The Business Networking Group is a networking group, established to assist businesses in getting together and encouraging them to refer on to other businesses. The club is a non-profit organisation, run by businesses for businesses. Meetings are held fortnightly, on a Thursday from 7.00am to 8.30am at various venues in and around Levin. We welcome invited businesses to come along and visit us as our honoured guests. Please give us a call to find out where and when our next meeting will be held.

Join The Business Networking Group?

The Business Networking Group provides a forum in which all members can network and promote their business in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere.

Networking Helps to Promote & Grow Your Business By

  • Developing new opportunities, by letting other members know about the services your business can offerthem
  • Further build onto your network by meeting new people who will spread the word about your Business
  • Grow your Business with referrals from other Members to their own customers for your services
  • Nurture the support and use the experience of other Members in the Group who are only too willing to offer their advice & support
  • Benefit from the experience of Guest Speakers, who are specialists in their own fields

What can I expect at an average meeting?

Business Network Group

While you enjoy a hearty breakfast you will be given an opportunity to place your business cards in our business card holder; and, take away with you a full complement of other member’s business cards for your records and referrals. You can also expect to be allocated a time of one minute to be able to advertise and speak about your business. Following this you will get the chance to enjoy networking with our members, continued by a special ten minute presentation

What are the criteria to join?

Any business or business person can apply to be a member provided there is no conflict with an existing members business operating in the same area.Also all members are expected to adhere to a professional business code of ethics; in all aspects regarding the club and its members. Finally each member, or a representative of that member, is expected to attend each meeting held by the club.

What other things are members entitled to?

One on Ones (members make appointments with each other to learn more about their business)Referrals (One member advises another member of a business opportunity) Rap (where a member expresses their appreciation of a service and/or product

    We currently meet at the Bush Street Cafe – Levin

    Address: Bush Street, Levin 5510

    Elbow Grease Cleaning
    Phone: 027 867 4443

    Phone: 0273 585 440

    Hine Accountants Limited
    Phone: 06 367 0144

    Healthy Home Inspections
    Phone: 0508 800 102

    Yard Art
    Phone: 06 210 0985

    Best Practice Law Ltd
    Phone: 06 363 8382

    Crossing Cleaning
    Phone: 0800 455 648